45 Watt Class B amplifier Circuit of this very simple , straightforward but Rugged circuit, though intended for any high quality audio applications and, above all, to complete the series of articles recently started forming the Modular Preamplifier Control Center, is well suited Also to make a very Good Guitar or Bass amplifier
- Power transistors Q8 and Q9 Can be Used satisfactorily: 2N3055/MJ2955, TIP3055/TIP2955, TIP35/TIP36, MJ802/MJ4502 amongst others.
- Power transistors Q8 and Q9 Should be mounted on a black, finned heatsinks as usual.
- Output power (1KHz sinewave): 45 Watt RMS into 8 Ohms - 69W RMS into 4 Ohms
- Sensitivity: 0.81V RMS input for 45W output
- Frequency response @ 1W RMS: 15Hz to 23KHz -0.2dB
- Total harmonic distortion @ 1KHz: 1W 0.008% 20W 0.008% 45W 0.016%
- Total harmonic distortion @10KHz: 1W 0.01% 20W 0.015% 45W 0.025%
- Unconditionally stable on capacitive loads
- R1: 18K
- R2: 3K9
- R3,R6: 1K
- R4: 2K2
- R5: 15K
- R7: 22K
- R8: 330R
- R9,R10: 10R
- R11,R12: 47R
- R13: 10R/1 Watt
- C1: 1µF/63V
- C2: 470pF/63V
- C3: 47µF/25V
- C4: 15pF/63V
- C6: 220nF/100V
- C6: 100nF/63V
- D1,D2,D3,D4: 1N4148
- Q1,Q2: BC560C
- Q3,Q4: BC556
- Q5: BC546
- Q6: BD139
- Q7: BD140
- Q8: 2N3055
- Q9: MJ2955