Question 1
2 mrp-m500 amps and 2 alpine type r 12's what size wire gauge for amp?... 2 mrp-m500 amps and 2 alpine type r 12's what size wire gauge for amp?
1) bigger is better i have same set up to a single mrp 1000 and i use a 2 gauge wire. the minimum i'd use is 8 gauge to each amp. - cupar
2) yea id go with at least an 8 gauge wire. i've used a 12 gauge wire for a 2000 watt amp and it gets pretty hot - Paxton
3) i wouldnt get any smaller then a good quality 4 gauge wire. when it comes to your amps, and getting power to them, your wires are EVERYTHING. 8 gauge wire i feel is generally to small to properly power an amp because your not getting the full amount of juice to your amp. i usually use 8g wire for speaker wire. so that should tell you something. - CraigECAC
Question 2
How does the 2 ohm and 4 ohm load compare here?... If I have a DVC 4 ohm 750 RMS sub (08S12L74) and I have an amp running 750 RMS @ 2 ohms x 1 channel.
Or If I have a DVC 2 ohm 750 RMS sub (08S12L72) and I have an amp running 750 RMS @ 4 ohms x 1 channel.
They are both being fed the same amount of power, will one still have better SQ or be louder than the other?
1) No, same power input will result in the same output. SQ will not change, and neither will loudness. - Alex
2) Neither the loudness or the SQ will change. DVC only gives you greater wiring flexibility as far as impedance for the amp. Some amps can produce more power at a lower impedance so a DVC sub or subs help you achieve the desired impedance or ohms. - the1theonlytheme
3) They will be the same. - zimzam
Question 3
on my cb radio why do i get more power in my cb in channel 1 than in channel 40?... i got a swr meter and a watt meter and on channel one i get some times 20watt out put and on channel 40 i get a lot less only 6 watts i got tune my antenna to 1.5 swr across all channels please help me i want o know why
1) You are obviously misreading the meter since the power is less than 5 watt on all channels. - Wiz
2) hmm. maximum legal wattage is 4. you must be using a linear or older unit. If tuned right it should be spread fairly evenly across all channels. i wouldn't worry about it much though - Matt
3) mine is the same way. i have a cb in my car and i have more watts on the lower channels then the upper channels. i think because channel 1 is the lowest channel. - bandit_60
Question 4
What kind of enclosure should I make for this subwoofer?... Pioneer TS-W1008D2. I want to know if I should do a sealed enclosure or a ported/vented one. What would be the best dimensions for it. At crutch field it says for a sealed box volume: 0.65-1.25 cubic feet and ported box volume: 0.9-1.55 cubic feet. So is it some measurement in between those numbers.
1) The type of enclosure is a preference thing really.
A ported box gives good performance with full frequency range that the sub can reproduce.
Sealed makes the sub hit harder with a more restricted frequency range do the the limiting the movement of the cone structure.
Bandpass is the best of both worlds, but takes up about 50% more space. It's basically a sealed back with a ported front.
Use the internal dimensions stated by Crutchfield, but put in some polyfill box stuffing. The internal dimensions give best performance for the sub, and the polyfill helps slow down the sound waves making the sub perform as if it were a bigger box. - Rebecca H
2) id go with a sealed box. they have always worked for me. i've had a bandpass box but it was more trouble than it was worth. the plexiglass would flex out too much and rattle - Paxton
Question 5
Subwoofers and amps, need help on the ratio of watts to sub size.?... What is the amount of watts i should have for 2 18", 1 15", 1 12", and 3 10" subs? i was think about 4 2600 watt amps. or should i go higher?
1) Just going by sub size and quantity isnt enough information to tell how many watts you are going to need. there are so many variable with sub woofers like dual or single voice coil, ohm rating, and rms and peak power rating. even though you may be running 7 subs, they could be rated at only 500-1000 watts each, so pumping 10,400 watts to them would be WAY over kill and you'd blow your subs in minutes. your best bet would be to run one amp for your 18's, 1 for the 15's, 1, for the 12, and 1 for the 10's. and put each different size in a separate box. sub woofers of different sizes dont like to be in the same box. - CraigECAC
2) Sub size doesn't have that much to do with watts. It does to a slight degree . You could easily find a 10" that can handle twice as much as a 15" or 18". Match the RMS rating of the amp to that of the subs. Watts is more to do with brand and cost(quality). You usually get what you pay for. - the1theonlytheme