I have a 12v alternator on my Celica 93 gt how many watts is that?

Question 1
I have a 12v alternator on my Celica 93 gt how many watts is that?...  i want to know how many watts that is or whatever else because i want to run a 1000 watt amp and 12 yellow kicker in my car

1)   Unknown. All you told us was 12 v. P = I x E

P (power, in watts) = I (current in amps) x E (12 volts)

Or P = I x 12

Need two values to solve the equation.

But no, generally to run something like that, you will have to upgrade the alternator and put in a capacitor. - oklatom

2)   You can usually run 1200w rms on a factory alternator with little or no upgrade to the electrical system. But to answer your question your alternator might be around 80 to 105 amps. - ▐▀▀▼▀▀▌ ► ChinO ◄ ▐▄▄▲▄▄▌

3)   All you need is a optima battery yellow top and you'll be fine

if you go any higher then about 5000 watts then you need to upgrade your Alternator but with only 1000 your fine!


Hope this helps - Caitlin

4)   You need to find how many AMPS the alternator supplies , likely around 100 amps, then you have to find how much current the car uses full load meaning bright lights , heater on full blast , ect

That will give you the available current ...

The 1000 watt amp pulls around 70/80 amps

Likely you will need a bigger alternator - Fire1427

5)   Just about all cars on the road have a 12v alternator, including the one's you see thumping down the block. You can run watever kind of amp you want choose.

Some amp companies manipulate the wattage testing to get high numbers to advertise. A good rule-of-thumb is that you probably pay about a dollar a watt regardless of what is claimed to be made. If you spend $200 on a "1000w" amp, its proably really around $200 when wired properly.

To answer your question, even a true 1000w amp will run on 12 volts so you're good to go. - Bluefc84


Question 2
Guys im looking to put a new system in my truck but i cant decide on my subs.?...  I dont know if i should go with 2 Kicker 10" L7s or 2 10" incriminator subs, can someone help me out i want one that packs a punch but also sounds very good? And im looking to hook up a 1500 to 2500 watt amp to them.

1)   I liek rockford fosqates - John R

2)   why not go out and hear some subs. stereo and install shops. that's what people did years ago when there was no internet. besides, no two ears are alike.

get quality subs and a good amp and good wiring. skimp on either and u lose what u were seeking in the first place. personally i heard the L7's, very nice. Rockford is great as well. I have JL Audio and am very happy. bought them after listening to them in a shop - ricardo9505

3)   These 2 are idiots... Well the 2 10" L7s will take about 1200 watts, and will really hit hard in a truck. They are more for SPL... I am not too familiar with the incriminantor subs, so you may have to do some research... But the L7s will really hit hard, not too sure if by meaning sound good, you are talking about sound quality, because they dont have much of that... - d_monie3

4)   Infinity Kappa - "Perfect 12VQ" are consistently ranked as the best tightest clearest subs you can get...aluminium cone subwoofers are usually the best and an alpine pdx amplifier for it would be lethal. oh and maybe a farad capacitor too. - JimmyB


Question 3
What do you believe is better two alpine type E subs or one alpine type R. Thank you?...  This is for my 2001 mustang.

1)   2 alpine R ^_^ - jason

2)   i would go with a type r because you wouldnt have enough room for 2 in the trunk. - impala_ridin

3)   The 2 Alpine type E's will hit harder than the 1 type R... He's right, if you could do 2 type Rs, it will be much louder... But thats not what you asked... - d_monie3

4)   i don't know got to the alpine site and compare specs and go on youtube and compare vids with type r and type e - JimmyB


Question 4
How much should I sell this amp for on craigslist/ebay?...  It's a sony xplod xm-zr1252, 800 watt amp. I want to sell it on craigslist but I've never done it before, would it be better to use ebay though? And how much should the price/starting price be? Thanks ♥
forgot to say its new (never been used)

1)   you probably won't get half of what you paid for it on craigslist. Start out at 3/4 of the full price and don't be in such a hurry to sell it. Don't know much of e-bay....sorry - Midnight Rider

2)   street price is normally between 1/3 and 1/2 of retail. you should check ebay, click on "completed listings" and that will give you a good idea on how much they go for. it will show how many sold and for what price. from there you can post on craigslist for a little more then the average you found on ebay completed listing, that will give potential buyers room to bargain. hope this helps, good luck with sale - mj2007

3)   i just sold one for 70 dollars put on craiglist for a little more than u want so u can deal lance - lance


Question 5
Sony Xplod 12" Sub Help?...  i have a sony xplod xsl126p5b (12") and i need to build an enclosure. What should be the dimensions?

1)   first problem is there SONY EXPLODES - vettesr1

2)   i have a sony xplod 12 as well they go hard! i did high=392.9mm wide=392.9mm D1= 227.79mm D2= 354.79mm

But make sure you visit this web sit it helps alot


Hope this helps

good luck - harryhardnuts


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