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I Want My Car Sound System Louder?

Question 1
I Want My Car Sound System Louder?...  I have a 1991 Nissan Maxima GXE....I just put 4 new MTX Thunder car speakers and a JVC head unit. I am asking if i should of bought an amplifier for this or not?...AND..What else can i put in so i can get my car bumping loud. i Just have 400 dollars so ya lol..

1)   An amp, subwoofer box in your trunk. - Who Me

2)   ok so you replaced your factory speakers with the 4 mtx speakers and put in a jvc head unit, with that head unit you might look at a 4 channel amp so you can get better and cleaner sound quality and have entire control of the frequencies that are sent to your speakers., if you are ok with the way your highs and mids sound then an amp and sub would definately give your music more depth, you can buy 2 kicker comps in a ported kicker box from pep boys (they will order it if it isnt in stock).it is only 200 bucks and then you would only need you about a kicker 08zx400.1 which would keep you in your price range, but there are thousands of different combinations out there, do some searching on craigslist in your area and you might come off with a great deal, hopes this helps. - Matt

3)   Well do what my redneck friend did with his truck speakers. Go get some party sized home udio equipment and hook it up! Yeah in nearly Kills his 76Chevy pickup but It also nearly blows the windows out. or atleast get em moving. - Cpt. DR. Lawer. nopants

4)   go to this link cheap and subs that are gonna slam for really sheap with the subs a box and amp its a package deal - Sean F

5)   Well you will have to get 2 amps and a sub for your car. So basically you will need a 4 channel amp and a mono amp and a 12" sub. I would recommend a kicker comp sub that you can get for 65 bucks and a kicker 300 watt mono amp for 130.

then you can get this crunch amp for your speakers... - Luke


Question 2
Question about 6x9 Car Speakers...?...  I am looking into upgrading the speakers in my car. I have an aftermarket stereo (50 watts per speaker). Would there be a difference if I bought a 6x9 speaker that was 75 watts max vs. one that was 1000 watts max? Thanks.
I am looking at two different sets. One is actually 84watts rms/250max and one is 250rms, 800 max, and they are almost the same price.

1)   the best 6x9s i ever had were only rated at 40 watts back in the early 80s pioneers couldnt hurt them with 50 wats per speaker. - Sonny

2)   probaly no diffrence. but really need know more about speakers and stereo - Doctor Luck

3)   There is a def difference between speaker wattage. You should find something closer to the radios optimum output. And you should find out the components RMS wattage. This is the wattage that it normally runs at. If a component says"1000 WATTS MAX!!!!!!!" , then its probably closer to 500 watts. Just make sure the speaker isnt under rated because then it may pop when at its limits. Its really just a waste of money to get one that can support way too much wattage.Hope this helps you. - Matthew

4)   Diffident brands have different sounds. Most 6x9's sound great anyway, and put out good bass. As long as the speaker can hold your amp you should be fine. - searching


Question 3
HOW TO MAKE PORTED BOX FOR TWO 12INCH JBL SUBS?...  i got 2 twelve inch jbl gto1214 subwoofers. there 350 watt rms each so 700 watt rms and a sony amp at 900 watt rms. 4 gauge wiring kit. i have a sealed box right now, but i want ported and my uncle has all the tools and has made some in the past before but i just want some outside advice because he hasnt made a box for 5 years. so let me know everything you know, dimensions(i have suv so space is no problem) and what wood to use and where to make the holes and everything else you think woould remotely help.


if you can email me also at thatd be great cuz im not on yahoo much

1)   type into search box

how to make a ported box

how to make a subwoofer box

how to make a speaker box - kelly_f_1999

2)   Fricken google it..... - Mr. KnowItAll

3)   ok first of u should go with mdf wood the best wood for speaker boxes no doubt about it

and for the speaker box depends on how big u want it

for 2 12s u wont want it so big maybe 4 feet wide and 2 1/2 height - jay-r

4)   ok, you need a sheet of 3/4 inch mdf from home depot or somewhere that sells it. Get the 8' by 4' sheet. The dimensions are going to be 15 inches in height, 36 inches in width, 15 for depth. That will be perfect specs for those subs. Draw out your whole box on the bottom 15 by 36 inch piece. That is easiest. Then you will want to make a center divider for the box when you are making it. Then after that, make an "L" shaped baffle piece for you airway on each of the ports for both sides. About an inch and a half airway space will do great. Use a lot of glue and 2 inch nails from a power nailer and caulk the entire inside. You can buy terminals, but not really necessary. Just drill holes for wires and seal the holes with the caulk. Carpet or paint it. It will be tough as a rock and sound amazing. - Luke


Question 4
were can i find a car radio, dash kit and wiring harnest for a nissan versa 2010?...  


2)   EBAY - willho619

3)   Amazon, Crutchfield - Who Me

4)   unlike all these other jackasses i will help u u can buy a car audio system practically anywhere i just got a hell of a deal on a xovision 7 inch flipout monitor from walmart for my car 200 bucks and works great u can get a dash kit from ur local audio store and ur wiring harness is easy u can get one from autozone or walamrt juss tell them the make and yr and they will give u the right one which just plugs into ur factory wiring harness in ur dash remember don't cut out ur factor wiring harness bad mistake - Sean F


Question 5
is a legit and good priced site to buy subwoofers from?...  its a car audio site were you buy car audio stuff from and i want to no if it is a legit site

1)   Yeah definitely. I have bought several items from there. Over 800 dollars worth of stuff. I have never been screwed and they are very good with the pricing and shipping. You wont be disappointed with sonic electronix. - Luke

2)   Yes they are legit. be careful when buying some units are "refurbed" or scratch and dent models - Fire1427

3)   good discounts for savin lots of money espcailty in the long run. - Audio Fan


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