Question 1
How do I get my trunk to stop ratteling from my subs?...
1) The best thing to use is dynamat or there is a generic brand called fatmat on ebay. you put it all on the inside of the trunk lid. it will also add some bass... most of the time, its other stuff thats rattling, like the license plate, which u can dynamat, or the lights... make sure all the screws and stuff are tightened down, do one thing at a time and keep listening to find the exact part that is rattling... - d_monie3
2) spray foam
or turn it down - kelly_f_1999
3) insulate it - Martin
4) DYNOMAT - Justin
5) WD-40. - JubJub
6) If it is the lock that is rattling I have used 2 little wedges on each side of the trunk seam to wedge it tight. If not that dynomat the heck out of it. - MemphisManiac
7) don't get dynomat they are ugly sorry
get second skin damplifier it is better - ZoeBoi954
Question 2
Why are my car speakers crackling?... i have this headunit:
and i have these speakers in the front:
The rear speakers are the standard ones that came with the car.
the speakers are less than a year old and so is the headunit. yet for some reason the speakers are beginning to crackle alot when i slightly turn the volume up. can anyone help me here?
Front speakers are the ones that are crackling.
1) you blew them. - ladystang
2) the speakers are gone its mainly because of the use of to high treble and some times u do get bad ones. mine only lasted 2years in my 2004 300m. - andrei18_2000
3) which ones f/r are crackling? - YAHOOLIGAN
4) Speakers that come with the car are cheap and when you turn up the volume they blow pretty easily. So you need to replace them. - Judith
5) cause they are are going to have to replace em - None
6) your aftermarket head unit prison raped your stock speakers - Justin
7) You've blown them playing music too loud, I did exactly the same - J
Question 3
What is the Best Walmart subwoofer?... I kno people say not to buy audio from walmart.. but im just looking for a cheap replacement for my 12' Audiobahn, till i can buy 2 12' Alpine Type Rs for my Ranger. I was just wondering what would be best, a 2010 12' Pioneer or a Sony Xplod.?
1) Do not go to walmart, they are still sort of expensive, and its garbage quality...literally. I would take all the stuff of the shelfs there and just put it in the trash, cause thats what it is. Go to bestbuy its at least somewhat of quality. - Steve Steltski
2) I wouldent wast your money but if you must go with the Pioneer. I have seen the sony run at its RMS and melt. - MemphisManiac
3) probably an xplod temporarily they can handle a bit of wattage but the sound quality is off walmart also sells dual subs (30$) that have 175w rms that are half the price of the 150w rms pioneer I have two of them and they hit pretty hard for 30$ and havent caused me any problems or havent blown - Justin
4) pioneer - Martin
5) For the money the Dual 12" for $30
I cant believe I just said that.
I do not like Dual for for the most part, (Pioneer Fan)
But all we have up here is over priced audio stores. So a lot of my friend have me help them get the best out of Walmart. You can make a system that pounds but it not EASY. Nothing matches.
I know that the Pioneer 12" power handling is not so good and the Sony's sound quality is disappointing.
I have set up all 3 of these subs and in this price range Dual really does sound just as good and can handle as much power as the Pioneer or Sony. If they where in a down firing box you would never know.
If it is temp. save your cash, you can get 2-subs for $60
Hope this helps - Christina P
6) The only car audio products that Walmart carries that is worth buying is Pioneer. Sony has horrible sound reproduction, dual is garbage, V3 is a total joke. - georgewillings
Question 4
wat kinda amp do i need ?... HI im new to sounds systems but i have 2 10" kicker cvx's but i dont know what type/size amp to get can someone please help me ...........
1) jvc 400 to 600 amps - Martin
2) you need a mono class d amp that puts out the rms wattage of the rms wattage of both subs added together at 2 ohms - Justin
3) Subs are best powered by a mono channel amplifer vs a stereo one. The better mono channel ones are labeled appropriately as Class D Monoblocks which are the best. You just need to fine one that will put out enough watts RMS to be at or around your RMS for the kickers. Remember to calculate that the more OHMS(resistance) you set up at, the less power in turn your amp will put out but settings too low on some amps can be unstable and lead to clipping. - Cecil
4) Depending ur spending limit u have plenty of options here. High end can go with rockford fosgate t15001bd amp, a mtx elite te1501d, kicker 08zx1500.1. Or if u on a budget u can lean more towards hifonics bxi2010d, mb quart dsc2000.1, mtx jh1200. There plenty of options. Make sure any amp u decide to get is a good high efficent mono amp. Be sure to wire ur subs to correct ohm. Perferably 2ohms and always use good wiring try not to wire using no lower than 4 gauge but most of those amps I named require 0 gauge for optimal current to the amp. And get the big three done. Will make a big difference in ur system performance but also with ur car performance. Starting ur car, brighter lights, limited lights dimming when bumping ur system etc........ - demarcus j
5) 2 -cvx 4ohm DVC
They can handle 600 rms each " NICE" How do you want to run them 1 or 4 ohm?
This is important as it will determine the type of amp you should buy.
Here are some 1 ohm stable amps;
These are the entry level 1ohm stable amps and what I would use to get started.
If you want to go kicker so your system matches I would use this amp;
Hope this helps - Christina P
Question 5
I am wondering where I could find a stereo wiring diagram for a 1991 Honda Accord EX?... I have done internet searches and cannot seem to find any type of wiring diagram for a stereo for a 1991 honda accord. Does anyone know where I could find one?
1) not much to any of them really
one hot wire for power one ground and speaker wires to each speaker
long as you dont hook ground to hot speakers wire you can touch and hear where it is
type into search box
how to install a car radio
how to install a car stereo
its not that hard to do it really
might even find a video
how to install a car stereo video - kelly_f_1999
2) If u buy the wiring harness for the car, it will come with a color code. - d_monie3
3) go to your local library. where you can find car owners manuals hope this help's you - golfnut
4) YEL/RED = Ignition, WHT/YEL = Battery, RED/BLK = Illumination, YEL/WHT = Power antenna, BLK = Ground,
BLU/YEL & GRY/WHT = LR Speaker, BRN/WHT & RED/YEL = RR Speaker, BLU/GRN & GRY/BLK = LF Speaker, RED/GRN & BRN/BLK = RF Speaker.
hope this can help you out - Martin