What should I do next to my sound system?

Question 1
What should I do next to my sound system?...  I'm already doing a head unit.. what else would you guys do..

I actually do compete.. I don't usually go round playing it full tilt, unless I want to have a little bit of fun once in a while..

This is a competition car, I just wanted some input, so that's enough with the non-constructive criticism guys? Thanks..
I've notice you guys have been telling me to do subs and stuff.. I have a video posted of my sound system.. I posted the link in the description.. The video will show you what direction I'm going in.. I guess you guys can't reply again, so please just comment on my video..

1)   i would go with mids and tweeters then subs. - Mike L

2)   I think you should drive the car off a cliff and don't worry about something so stupid is car audio. - laserguy1665

3)   I hope those pills in the video were magic pills to restore all of the hearing that stereo will get rid of. Doesn't look like an audio dragster to me so I have to assume you are cruising around with that thing at top volume all the time, squeezing the very life out of your eardrums. The very next thing I suggest you do is install some earplugs or dismantle that monster before you suffer the major hearing loss that you may already be experiencing. - JOHNTHEBAD

4)   ask yourself this question, do you want something that thumps or carity?

if you want clarity, install seps and mid bass, morel would be a good choice, install mids in the front, if needed fabricate kick pods for the mids, hook it up to a 4 channel amp. and if you want a little bass install an 8 inch sub driven by a good amp.

if you want thump! get a class d mono amp and hook it up to atleast a 12 inch sub. install seps and mids. and be sure to use sound deadeners. - fukimomakoto


Question 2
I installed a capacitor and now my car keeps dying...?? helppp..?...  I was having an issue with my lights dimming and my amp cutting out and going into safe mode with my cerwin vega 10" subs, they are run dual voice coil on a one channel 800 watt amp. So i bought a capacitor installed it today and i started my car and it was okay for about a minute turned my heat on and my lights not only dimmed but went off for a quick second and came right back on then started driving and everything started flashing then my car died, then came right back on and kept driving and it died again except this time my car died completey no power locks couldnt get my car out of park to push it.

1)   You need a stronger alternator and battery. I would suggest a 200 amp alternator. - Kenny

2)   Remove the capacitor to see if that stops the dying problem. If that cures it then try disconnecting the amps to see if that cures the other issue, if it does then try putting in a stronger battery & alternator. - clncarplz

3)   hey dude my friends truck did the same thang only he couldnt drive his truck it died so fast but yea he put a new battery in and it started and its still fine. - James

4)   did you disconnect battery cables when you installed the cap? if so, it sounds like you did not get the cables tight . - dragon breath


Question 3
what is the best subwoofer and amp combo for $300-500?...  links if possible

1)   a very expensive loud one BOOM BOOM BOOM lol. - dr martin

2)   You know that 300-500 won't get you very far right. You have to buy a box, the wires, pay for labor and instalation, an aftermarket stereo, you know the works. If you already have everything else planned out I would just get a nice 12" kicker or kenwood sub and then spend the rest of your budget on an amazing alpine amp. You want to definitely spend more on a good quality amp over the sub though because that is the part of your system that is supposed to last for a very long time. Good luck - Jordan

3)   I just got myself my first set of subs. i got it in a kit at my local car stereo store. i got 2 12" MTX terminators and a amp for 200 (there was a sale they are usually 300 - 400) then the wiring kits are around 40-50 and comes with the fuse and terminals. labor to put them in is around 125 to 200. So i just put mine in myself. and the new head unit will be over 100. mine was 109 and was a pioneer DEH-1200mp. then youll have to get a face plate for the head unit to fit your car and they are around 20 bucks. - Mike

4)   i went to a pawnshop got a 15'' kicker solo baric for $169

got a boss 1000 watt ripper for 250

and built a custom box for my mustang for 50 dollars 9 that includes an amp rack and face plate for when i drop the seat

its loud enough to make someones noes bleed - Brad


Question 4
1990 acura gs what can my amp wire hook up to beside the blue/white or blue wires , my tailights r tripinin?...  lights keep goin off and on depending if the cars running i think my amp wire or somthing to do with my deck is casusing this?? any help
its the blue wire connected to the amp and im not sure if this is the problem but my taillights r workin when the powers on but not when the engines on somthing in my wireing is throwing it off because its working then its not any more

1)   which "amp" wire are you talking about? you should have a 12 volt hot (red) a ground (black) two rca hook ups (one white one red) a remote wire (usually blue) and your speaker wires. if your talking about the remote wire, it should be spliced into the blue wire in the back of your head unit. all it does is provide 12 volts to the amp to tell it that when the stereo is on and off/ - Adam

2)   my integra always fried the fuses for tail lights im not sure - Ghost


Question 5
i just recently bought an dual XDMA6330BT car stereo and i was wondering if it will fit most cars?...  i saw a thing at target that says it will but best buy says it wont online but it wasn't the same stereo

please help

1)   If it is a Single DIN it will fit EVERY car u just need to get the apporiate kit to install it some cars a kit is not needed - Matthew T

2)   yes it will fit most cars with 2 inch din opening to make sure you can go to crutchfield.com and click on car audio and then click outfit my car and put in the year make and model and it will tell you what radios fit in your car but this is a regular size radio should fit in any car really - Hotrod


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