Question 1
Which is better two subwoofers on each side of the trunk or a single dual port chamber holding them?... I do not know whether or not i should separate the two subs im going to get or keep them in the a dual port chamber. if i was to put it in a dual port chamber i would put it in the back of my trunk near the back seats. if i get two separate holders for both of the subs then i would put them on top of the back wheels in the trunk.
1) i think the duel ban pass with port sounds good but thats me - naldo
2) I say might be a bit more work, but the sound will be better since it will face more towards the insisde of the it would look better than most subs out there. - Shorty
3) shorty i want what ur smokin.
dual ported will be much better
the trunk is used to reverberate the waves and make it louder. pointing towards the seats defeats that purpose.
the sound waves bounce off the trunk them go to ur ears.
go with single ported. you will be happy - Derek
4) I would go with a single vented/ported box. i have one for my two type r 12" and they bump hard! Bandpass box's are supposed to sound really nice, but i personally have never heard one or even seen anybody with one. but it also really depends an the wattage RMS your putting out. RMS is the wattage your sub will continuously play at. peak power means nothing.
so if you have a system that has like 1000 watts rms or over you can always use a sealed box. because sealed boxes are generally smaller than ported and produce a tighter deeper bass but sacrifices some sound. while a ported box will sound louder and have a little less accuracy ( which you can barely tell). it all really depends on the type of music you like and some personal taste. but i would recommend the vented/ported box. i listen to everything and the vented sounds great for all types of music.
Another reason i recommend one box against your seats in your trunk is because it will projected the voulume towards the trunk door and cause it to reflect towards you, sounding louder. unlike to seperate boxes facing in towards the center of the trunk will be quieter. but deff dont face the sub at you.
A great website for tips, statistics, requirements, and everything to help you were i learned a lot of stuff from is
And by the way Naldo you have no idea what your talking about. you cant have a ported band pass (learn how to spell it next time). a bandpass box is a box that has a ported chamber that houses a woofer that projects into the sealed area. - Fitz
Question 2
Is this Sub any good?... I found this I have the same one in my shed its been there probably since 07' from a camry we had. Anyways, is it any good? I have an amp along with it. Is it worth installing in my current car?
1) It probably wouldnt really be worth installing its looks like its just for show. - chrisk
2) Probably if you want a little bass added. but other than that it is useless. looks very cool tho - Jordan
3) its total crap, save up and get a real subwoofer. - BAY
4) that makes me lol. i think thats funny. it is complete crap. really not worth installing in any car. a good set of 6x9's will have more bass than one of those. buy some six by nines it will sould much better than that ever could possibly sound. - Derek
Question 3
What would be louder? 2 L7 12's or 3 L7 12's all powered in series by a sx1250.1?... I have 3 total Kicker L7 12's, all 4Ohm dvc. I currently have two of them hooked up to my sx1250.1 wired down to 1Ohm receiving the full 1250 wrms. Im debating if i should go for it and wire the third L7 12 into my series giving me a total of three subs hooked up to my single 1250.1. If i were to do so they would come out to a total of 2.66666Ohms, receiving less than half the max output of my amplifier's ability. I was just wondering if it would be louder considering I have all that added cone area or not since my amp would only be delivering +-200wrms to each sub. Sorry if that wording sounds confusing to anyone, i tried my best.
Thank you
They're in the trunk of a ford taurus in a ported 4 cf box at 40 hz. powered by a optima yellow top charged by a 200 amp alt.
1) You also left out EVERY piece of important information.
Two 10s can be louder than two 15s.
Size is not what matters.
100watts can be louder than 1500 watts.
Wattage does not matter.
What ACTUALLY matters, is the acoustics of the vehicle you're putting them in, the quality of what you're buying, and how you adjust the settings. - Vipassana
2) if you add the 3rd sub you will be underpowering them by more then 1000watts rms, so no it will not be louder
right now you are pushing 625 watts rms per sub if you add the 3rd you are down to around 400 watts per sub - lowestnotes06
3) ya man definitely louder. 36 inches of bass is louder than 24. even though its less power to the subs it would stilll be pretty loud. i say go for the third - Tom
Question 4
I need 2 10" subs, and an amp to go with it, (1000-1500 budget)?... It needs to fit in this too:
1) kicker zx750.1 awesome amp - Tom
2) Alpine SWX-1043D subs. Alpine MRP-M2000 amp. This setup should fit good in that box and the amp will provide enough power to really bump hard. May need to set aside some $ for an install unless you plan to do that yourself tho. Hopefully this helps - Jordan
3) Go to Man you can get stuff really cheap on there. you could go with 2 10" Kicker L5s and a really nice kicker amp. - chrisk
Question 5
Subwoofer and amplifier helppp!!?... ok so me and a buddy recently installed these subwoofers and amplifier. We got it all plugged in and turned on the stereo and the amplifier started and so did the subs.. it was really low like the settings on the amp and the volume we had it at so we turned the settings up and turned the volume up and it got louder and didnt sound too bad and it was goin for a little bit and then the subwoofers stopped. so we turned car off and turned it back on and the amp turned on and the subwoofers didnt go on. then we checked plugs on amp again and turned car on again and the amp turned on real quick and went off and then flashed once and stayed off.. does anybody know why it would do this??
got it fixed just needed to redo ground wire thanks for help though
1) i had one do that before and my amp was overheating cause i was pushing it too hard. also redo your ground. how i fixed it was only turned my amp up 3/4 of the way then turned everything down on radio, turned it on then adjusted all my settings up until i liked it. first- loud, eq, trebble, then bass. your deck makes all the difference. - red81
2) how were the subs wired? you might have blowen the subs or the amp depending on how things were wired give more detail on the equipment and how things were wired
dont listen to red he aint got no idea how to tie his own shoes - lowestnotes06
3) Man did you take your fuse out when you were hooking it all up?? Check out fuse i bet it blew. just replace it with a 100amp fuse or whatever amp fuse you had. if its black its blown - chrisk