Auxiliary cable vs. FM transmitter?

Question 1
Auxiliary cable vs. FM transmitter?...  For listening to music from an mp3 player in the car, which is better quality? An auxiliary cable or an FM transmitter?

1)   the auxiliary cable is much better quality than the FM transmitter

I have used both for my ipod and by far the auxiliary cable is the best between the two - Ford Rules

2)   auxillary cable by far...with an fm transmitter your at the mercy of radio signal - marcus jax

3)   aux cables are direct input as opposed to an fm unit that transfers the audio into an FM signal , then the radio picks up the FM signal and reconverts it to audio - Fire1427


Question 2
I changed my dead battery in my 2000 ML320 and my radio is asking for a security code..? Anyone ever experien?...  

1)   the code will be in the user guide you got with the car - rustupd

2)   Normally it is in the owner Manuel, but if it is not, you have to go to the main dealer to get the code, what ever company made it. they will probably need your Vin number. happened to me once....but am pretty sure it in the Owners Manuel. - THE MAN


Question 3
how old do you have to b to drive in the state of colorado?...  

1)   oh i live in colorado!

anywho, you can get your permit at 15

and then you have to have a certain amount of hours (not sure how much?)

of driving with a licensed driver in the car

then you take the real test and then you can get your license - i luv twilight! LaDy GAgA

2)   16 - Cluadia


Question 4
i have 2 jl 10w7 subs and a fosgate t1000 you all think i should switch to a jl 1000/1 amp or keep RF?...  

1)   im guessing your running it at a 1ohm final load. if so then it would be pointless to switch. it would be like switching boxes because 1 is dark grey and 1 is black. - ghettocowboy248

2)   That all depends on your needs. If you are happy with your setup I wouldn't. There are differences between the amps though. JL will be a cleaner sound and it also has the technology that if your voltage drops it will still put out the 1000 watts, the RF don't have that. - irepgod


Question 5
Will my subs hit hard if...?...  Im getting 2 12inch alpine type r's with a kenwood amp pushing 2000 watts,

is that gonna hit hard.?

1)   it depends on a few major things how many volts going to the amp what kind of box its going in and the size of the wire your using - donno what to do:(

2)   That depends on your definition of of hittin hard. Also you have to find out the rms wattage of the amp and the subwoofers and matching up the ohm load too. The amplifier will put out different amounts of power at different ohm loads so if your speaker don't match up with the ohm load they won't get the right power. If that amp matches up with the speakers like I said then in my opinion, yes they will hit hard! - irepgod


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