Question 1
whats the perfect amp to run 2 12 inch cvxs?... Each sub is rated at 750 rms
1) what ohms are the subs - basshead55
2) if the subs are 2 ohm the kicker zx1500.1 would be perfect for those subs.
-puts out about 1650w
if the subs are 4 ohm the hifonics 1610d will be good for em.
-puts out about 1500w.
for good wiring diagrams here's a link: - Lucas
3) if they are dual 4 ohm i would run a 1500 watt 2 channel crunch amp..sister just bought one and is running it to a 3500 watt pioneer premier. she has it bridged and it beats pretty hard with no stress or over heating on the amp..speaker holds 1500rms so i think it would be perfect for your 2 subs IF they are dual 4 ohm. - Garbage
4) a kicker zx1500.1 but wire them up to 2ohm stable nd dnt get a crunch amp they suk , there not even brand and hifonics are bad quality .. thats why there so cheap ... you get what you pay for - luiluu94
Question 2
Some Descent Sounding Component Speakers?... Okay my Pioneer premier coaxials suck complete AASSSS......I have them hooked up to an alpine pdx with about 150 rms to each driver n they jus suck....i think my moms stock system in her ford 500 sounds better than these piles of willing to spend a few hundred dollars on a set...plan on buying them off the internet cuz its dirt cheap ........i havnt had any problems with both my PDX amps..was thinking about heading that way n getting type x components....but my cuzin has alpine type S coaxials n they sound about as crappy as my coaxials...Boston Acoustics i have been a long fan of...n according to best covery...they dont get that good of ranking....i was disappointed...i bet youre going to tell me to go and listen to several types..well i live in a small town n the nearest audio shop is miles away....
1) alpine type r coxoils or type r components thats what i have - luiluu94
2) their are plenty of great sounding component sets out there. i recommend these because i have heard them and they are decently priced. - dragon breath
3) try the kickers ks602 6.5 componet speakers bad a good luck - cubano57
4) gfdgd - Karen
Question 3
How do i get my car stereo working again?... My car stereo (Kenwood) is just flashing "protected" We took out the original and put in a kenwood brand, everything fine until we had to unplug the battery for something and it wont work now. Anyone know how to fix?
1) dig up your owners manual.there is a way to reset it.try - idontgivafork
2) It probably power surged when you hooked up the battery and blew the fuse in the back of the deck. check the fuse.
The other possibility is that it has an anti-theft security feature where you have to enter a security code after power is restored. If that's the case, it will say so in your manual.
Shane - shane m
3) u need security code....if deck is newer than 2 years old kenwood can help u if not ur SOL....
the code should b in the owners manual but may not b........ - Karle
4) its locked .. happens to some stereos when you diconnect the battery .. find a code to unlock it in the manual - luiluu94
Question 4
what kind of amp would i need for this sub?... i dont know how many channels or how many watts i would need to power it correctly. any help would be appreciated
1) the kicker 400.1 amp is perfect for this.
but honestly your not going to be satisified with this at all.
honestly you should save your money and get 2 15'' kicker comp's in a descent 100$ PORTED box with the hifonics 600w mono amp. you will be in love. - Lucas
2) a mono block class d 800 watt amp or a 800 watt 2 channel amp bridged out would push it fine - Garbage
3) perfect match here dude - basshead55
Question 5
Do you think my amp will handle this sub?... I have a Kenwood 9104D amp.
900w RMS / 1800w Peak @ 2 Ohms
I want to get the MTX 9500 DVC 12"
1000w RMS / 2000w Peak @ 2 Ohms (Wired with both VCs).
I don't really have money right now to buy this sub, but its killing me not having it. : )
I figure it should be fine, but wanted to get some more input.
Also, my amp has a 4g power wire, & most setups with this sub use a 0g(though with more powerful amps)
Obviously, its not pulling as much power in the time the 0g is but that shouldn't have any big effect on
My stereo is usually at 30 volume out of 60.
(Not sure how much power its pushing exactly though.)
But it never really goes above 40, so its not ever really on full blast.
Anyways, what do you think?
1) youl be fine dont worry about it ... your amp will give it plenty of power not having the 0a wire isnt a prob as long as it isnt that thin - luiluu94
2) Your amp will be fine, your sub is rated for higher watts than the amp. - David
3) you will need a bigger amplifier to get the most out of that subwoofer because the kenwood doesn't make rated power. - dragon breath