Question 1
how much do subs cost?... i want to get subs for my car and i just like to know the price range for good subs that can hit pretty hard.
1) I would suggest you go to JB HI FI they have a great range of speakers and subbs. (check their website)
The price range is around 200 - 800 i would say - B-RaDiCaL
2) if you want good SQ and a sub that gets pretty loud I reccomend alpine type r's. a set would cost about 500 - Andrew
3) don't forget, you need an amp to power those subs, as well as wiring to hook it all up. For a decent system you could be looking at $500 + - PAUL
4) Well, you can get some cheapos from walmart for about 100-200 all together, or you can spend a little bit more (400-700) and get high quality stuff that'll last a while.
It all depends on what you want, if you want something to wake up the neighborhood, you'll be spending more money. But if you want cheap cheap bass and have no desire to shake the car, it'd be foolish to spend tons of money on high quality stuff. - Captain
5) They cost as much as you are willing to pay. Anywhere from $30 - $1000. If you are looking for a decent one, you are probably looking at atleast $70 for the sub (not including box, amp, etc). The amp will end up costing significantly more than the sub most likely - TJ P
6) actually on the internet the alpinne type rs would cost 250 for 2 12s nd there rally good subs better than most .. but id say the price range for good hard hitting subs i2 about from 200 to 1000 - luiluu94
7) check out
one guy mentioned he paid 500 for his type rs thats if he went to like best buy
on this site you can get them for uner 150
the 15s however are 195 ea..i have two of these
buy yes i rec. type Rs
but this site has everything you want for a system - Squints
Question 2
if your amp isn't grounded?... ok my question is if your amplifier isn't grounded right would it make your amp not put out much power or would it just not work at all???
1) If there is no ground, the amp won't power on.
If you have a loose ground, then the amp will turn on and off depening on when the ground is connected or not.
but the ground has little to do with how much power the amp puts out.
you may want to check to see where the gains on the amp are. - RJ
2) if its a bad ground, it might turn on, but the lights on the amp will be very weak. Might get sound from it, but doubtful. Could also come on, but cut out during strong peaks. If not grounded at all, it wont turn on at all. - j.bolanos
3) if it isnt grounded right your amp can be grounding through your rca cables and it would put out alot less power than if it was grounded correctly - TRES
4) no ground = amp not turning on
weak ground = high pitch annoying squeal
i usually ground my amp with a thicker gauge then my power cable (my power is 4 gauge n ground is 0 gauge) just to be on the safe side and keep it under 3 feet
hope it helps - Vadim
Question 3
Is it ok to use after market speakers with a factory stereo ?... I have a 2007 Impala LS and I wanted to keep my current stereo, but change out the stock speakers and maybe add an amp to it. Is it ok to do this ?
1) Sure! Just match the impedance. (4 ohms,8 olms, what?) - skiingted
2) sure - kelly_f_1999
3) you can add an aftermarket amp to the factory stereo, use a line level adapter that on one side will be wired into your radio's speaker outputs , and on the other side it will have "rca" outputs for the amp. - TRES
4) It is completely okay i have a 03 chevy malibu ls and i have an aftermarket amp and subs hooked up to the stock stereo. Its really easy to install and to change the speakers too.
Just make sure you dont Break none of the plastic clips that hold the door panel to the door. lol - Robert R
Question 4
How should I get started with a nice sound system for my car?... I'm looking to get sub-woofers and an AUX-in jack (a new console for the dash would be fine), and possibly a new sound system. I'm into Pioneer products, but I would take suggestions on competent brands that I could possibly get a better deal on. I'm not looking to spend much more than $500 on the sound system; subs and a new cd/radio player (for the aux-in) are top priority.
1) the first thing people say they want when the y are thinking of things for a system aresubs before you can use subs in a car you need a aftermarket head unit and an amp
i would suggest
a kenwood head-(cause they put out a lil more power than comparable brands)
when your looking for heads make sure they have
-preamp outputs (the more the merier)
you need these to install amps
-high pass filter
you need this to stop your speakers from blowing
some good brands are kenwood and alpine
for an amp
look for a mono class D amp
-the amp should have a low pass filter
-and should be able to handle 2 ohm loads
some good brands are
kenwood hiphonics
rocksford fosgate
for subs
there are a lot of good brands
some are kenwood
look for subs with high rms wattge
the peak power means nothing
*i would recommend getting two subs wired in parallel to the mono amp if you decide to only get one sub and have no intentions of getting another one in the future go with a two channel amp briged
-also as anaccesory if you want it would be a four channel amp
you can get a dual 4 channel for 90$ at walmart that puts out 50w rms x4
this will give you added power to your speakers
good speaker brands are alpine
jl audio
there are alot of things that go into the decision process that i didnt mention do your homework before you invest in a system youll be glad you did later - Justin
2) This is how I rate priority of a sound system:
1. Head Unit - This is the foundation of the system. If it sucks, everything else sucks no matter what. Stock HU's are not created to be implemented with aftermarket woofers and speakers.
2. Rear speakers - They are dedicated towards rear fill. I would recommend getting 3 range speakers.
3. Front speakers - They are dedicated towards directional fill. I would recommend getting 2 range speakers to accommodate with the tweeters.
4. Tweeters - They are dedicated towards high frequency sounds.
5. Subwoofer(s) - They are dedicated solely toward low frequency base.
Pioneer makes great head units, but everything else they are average at best. I would recommend alpine, rockford fosgate, audioque, kicker, phoenix gold, and FI subs. - WSBarbell
3) you can get subswithout a new hu, all you need is a low line converter, it changes speaker level inputs to rcas. its that simple but i would recomend all this.
a class d monoblock amp- alpine mrp-500.1 - 175$ at
2 alpine type s ten inch sub., there 300w rms, - 2 is like 150$
an for a box i would recomend going ported< there louder
an an alpine hu, or whatever kind you want. i can explain the sub thing more if you want.
never cheap out on amps because they could have a high rms an actually not do even close to that, but with alpine i would say they could be underrated. - Rance
Question 5
Is running mixed subwoofers ok?... I have 2 different sub woofers. A 12" Kicker CVR and a 12" Cerwin Vega sub. I had them professionally installed and they said everything should be OK to run both of them. I'm using a 300 watt RMS amp, 500 at 2 ohms and 1000 watt max.
BTW this is just a beginners system so dont knock my setup lol.
1) There's nothing wrong with Kicker's, particularly the CVR and Cerwin-Vega makes some pretty good subs too. The Stroker is a beast. The amp would appear to be your weak point since a single 12" CVR can handle 400 watts RMS by itself.
When running unmatched subs from the same amp, there will be a volume difference and you may find it difficult to get them sounding exactly like you want them to. The closer their specifications, the better they will work together. - PimpMyRide
2) it would be ok if it was a 2 channel amp but with a mono amp both subs are getting exacly the same signal and if one of them is being more responive than the other youll get sound cancellation thats why people usually get two identical subs
good luck - Justin
3) no - Garry