Question 1
What are the best car speakers?... Best subs with am all for under $300? just curious =)
1) kicker comps - BrandyD
2) Alpine type r 12" and a amp under 300 is hard lol or try some md quarts sound reall good to and they are cheap - chilllaxeng56
3) idkk .
and what makes the scion tc a girls car ? - мαяcυs αℓαη ツ
4) Go with MB Quart, you cant go wrong with those. - Jay
Question 2
i got a new audio system is it a good deal?... i got two 8'' subs and a custom box with an amp and wiring kit for $300 the brand i got the subs are ma audio and so is the amp is this a good deal???
they are 8'' because it is behind the seats of a nissan frontier
mines are 200W rms and also 400 peak power each with 4 OEM
1) yeah its pretty good i would've gone for 10" at the smallest though but thats just me - Bob Dole
2) If you bought it new, I think it's already a good deal. - Jastinne
3) i got a single 12"mtx terminator in a custom vented box, an amp and wiring kit for $150(200w rms, 600w max), i got it from godexperts on ebay, the package was shiped to my house in brand new condition. - ryaud
Question 3
I have a 650 watt amp in my car with a 12' audiobahn sub. What other combos could i do with the amp?... The current sub only requires 500 watts and it is a dual channel amp. So could i find a 100 watt 10' or could i do 2 low powered 12'?
Any new combination would work but getting a new amp is out of the question
Oh my god i am so fucking sorry! A 12" sub!
No i do not care about my vehicles electrical system or my hearing
You can adjust the watts it ranges between 500 and 650
1) I can't really answer your question, but I have a couple of questions for you:
How did you manage to get a 12 foot subwoofer into your vehicle?
Do you have any idea what kind of damage that equipment is doing to your hearing and your vehicle's electrical system? - Starman
2) Folks look at a 500 watt speaker with the impression the speaker needs 500 watts. Well, here's some good news. The speaker can take up to 500 watts, and that means, when it gets 10 watts, it plays well with that. When it gets 50 watts, it plays well with that. And 100 watts won't distort or damage it. Give it 500 watts and the speaker will be happy enough. Give it 550 watts and it may make unhappy popping. Give it 600 watts if you don't mind it smelling bad as it starts overheating. Keep that up if you intend to need to buy another speaker real soon. You need a speaker that can take 650 watts or more if you're running a 650 watt amp. - don r
Question 4
do i need an amp to power these or to make them sound good ?...
if i need an amp what one and how much power if u can give me a link that would be awsome thanks
i do have a pioneer head unit that has 50 watts i believe to it and i also have 6x9 kickers in my dash can i hook those to the amp to help them cause when i turn it up to far they pop
1) yeah u are going to need a amp and i did not read the spects but i would go with and 4 channel amp and u will be good make sure the speakers come with the cross overs - chilllaxeng56
2) You can run them off of an amp if you want to maximize the speaker output. You don't have to run an amp with component speakers but they sound better with more power. The link you posted was awesome and I don't know if you noticed or not but they are offering a free amp with the purchase of 2 speakers. Crutchfield will send you the correct amp for the speakers so you don't have to worry about which one to buy. Hope I have been helpful. - king_davis13
Question 5
trouble with usb car stereo?... i have a pioneer stereo with a usb port, but when i try to play my usb in it, only some songs will play and others wont. ive already formatted it and tried to put them back on there,but nothing will work!! please help.
i just drag and paste them all,they are all in one folder it says
how would you put them all as seperate files?
1) by usb do you mean flash drive? try putting all the songs on as separate files, not in folders. Or try putting them all into folders. Thats what i do. - shuman57
2) download it again from a diffrent user - chilllaxeng56